Make-up Tasks
Missing Sessions, and Make-up Tasks
Will Buckingham
Version 0.4 – September 2024
This has been updated in September 2024 to take account of Myanmar’s terrible internet.
Sometimes, you may for good reason need to miss a session as an excused absence. If this happens, the time-scale for make-up work is usually a week after the date of the session.
In the session, you will be marked as absent, with a note saying your absence is excused. Then it is your responsibility to make up the missing work. After the satisfactory completion of the make-up work, you will be retrospectively marked as present.
Given the infrastructure in Myanmar, not all absences can always be pre-agreed. If you are facing any challenges, let me know as soon as you possibly can. This is in part to do with keeping up with coursework, but also about making sure that you are doing okay!
Here’s the procedure. For each session that you miss:
- Make sure you have done the readings and any assigned homework.
- Watch back the recordings if practical. This is not compulsory, and you should use your own discretion. Don’t plough through endless videos on bad internet if this is not the most efficient use of your time.
- Complete any in-class tasks that it makes sense to complete individually. i.e. writing tasks, reflection tasks.
- Check the website for any notes that may be useful
- Do any supplementary reading / research that will help you make sense of the session.
- Write a summary of your thoughts, reflections and questions of 200-300 words, and email this to, including the date of the session that you missed.
If there are any written tasks in the session, please also send a draft of those written tasks attached to the email unless these are specifically designated as private free-writing tasks that do not need to be shared.
a. ideally, absences should be pre-agreed. This is not always practical. If you are absent, let me know as soon as you can. b. Until I receive the make-up work, you will be marked on canvas as an excused absence. When I receive make-up work to my satisfaction, I will change your status to “present”.